Snow Cat

Snow Cat

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Crossed our Wake!!!

The highlight of today was crossing our wake at the junction of the Tennessee River and the Tenn-Tom Waterway. Crossing our wake means we have completed the Loop....we still want to get back to FL, but everything from now on we have already done! We have made the complete circuit and what an adventure it has been! 
  Out with the old white with the new gold!!!

Mile marker 215.2 on the Tennessee River was in our blog back in 2010!

Earlier in the day, we encountered very strong currents when the river was narrowing and we were getting closer to the Pickwick Dam and Lock. 

The current was pushing against us at about 4 mph!

We passed Cherry Mansion, headquarters of Gen. U.S. Grant at the start of the battle of Shiloh. The women in the house were Confederate supporters, and Gen. Grant did not wear his uniform with them present!

Right after we crossed our wake we turned south on the Tenn-Tom Waterway and entered Grand Harbor Marina. It was full of loopers who we have seen over the last 6 months! We took the courtesy car and went with the folks from Limelight and Irish Attitude to The Catfish Hotel, known for their wonderful catfish dinners! We were not disappointed! As sort of a bonus....two Blackhawk helicopters landed in the dark, right next to the parking lot! They were from near Nashville, part of the TN Air National Guard.  It was amazing to see them take-off later on...They came for the catfish also!!! 

 The lovely dining room....but pictures of the Blackhawks didn't turn out....
maybe they have stealth paint!!!

Sorry that I am a few days behind with the blog...but we are having so much fun, not enough time!


  1. Congratulations on crossing your wake. Good thing you explained it or I would have been in the dark like the black hawks. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss of Kate. When I got home late last night I read your Blog and Jupie and I had a moment of silence. That was quite a task for him as he was soooo excited to see Mommy again. Trip was wonderful. Great pictures (1200 of them) of many wonderful sights. Met some very interesting people. Take care you two. So glad you were successful in your journey. Love, Joan

  2. Finally got to sit down and read all the Blogs that I had missed. I am so sorry about Kate. May all the wonderful memories of both Kate & Lacey help you both during this sad time. BUT.........congratulations on "Crossing Your Wake" and completing your journey. What an adventure and "Thanks" for taking us with you via your Blog!! Continue to stay safe and maybe we'll see you in Florida!! Noreen

  3. Hi Bernadette, Just catching up & read up to date now. Had to comment on the "Crossing your wake" point. What an amazing accomplishment for you both. What memories you have & you have made lots of friends as you did this. I have been thrilled to join you on it & loved seeing all your pictures & reading the stories. I'll be back in Florida by Thanksgiving. When will you be back in Canada?
    Love Jean
