Snow Cat at the wall at former Lock #6 |
Thurs. morning we continued our journey towards our ultimate destination, Granville Marina. We had to make an appointment the day before for Cordell Hull Lock to open for us since there is so little river traffic. We anchored in the afternoon at Duke Hollow, Mile 327. It was well off the river and very peaceful. Don had shore duty, taking the three dogs and Olivia ashore, after he and Kate decided on the best landing site.
The lock doors closing before raising us 59 feet. |
Duke Hollow anchorage |
On Friday morning, after waiting for the fog to lift, we continued on, passing Granville Marina at Mile 332, and anchoring for lunch at Flynn's Lick Creek, Mile 342. Then we went back to Granville Marina where we would spend two nights. On Saturday we enjoyed going to a music and fall festival in the small hamlet of Granville. It reminded us of Tobermory----no traffic lights! There is no industry in the area, so not many people live along the river near here. It's too far to commute to work!
We went into a restored 100+ year cabin, toured a museum of antique farm implements, reminisced when viewing beautifully restored cars and pick-ups from the 1950's, and met a man whose picture was on the cover of Time magazine in 1955, which featured a story about Tennessee farming. The cover was on the wall...and we could definitely see that he wasn't pulling our leg! He still resembled his younger self...57 years later!
We listened to music, walked through the General Store full of interesting antiques, and I bought a hand-made wicker basket from Barbara Boone.
Can you tell the weather was cool? I had on three layers! My new basket is to the right of Don! |
Granville General Store, candy section |
We went for dinner with Jim and Olivia...and said good-bye after such a fun time together. Hopefully we will see them in two weeks at Joe Wheeler State Park, with them arriving by car!
Kate in the navigator's seat! |
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